Falkland Islands: Country Code (Prefix/Dialing Code)

Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands country code (prefix) or dialing code with an interactive map and travel information to explore Falkland Islands.


Telephone calls to Falkland Islands

The + initiates an international call, followed by the country code (here 5 for Falkland Islands). Alternatively, in most countries (with some exceptions, for example, USA, Canada, Australia, and Russia) 00 can also be used to initiate a foreign call.

+5+ ... ....... International format (recommended, always possible)
00 500 ... ....... From most European countries
011 5 ... ....... From the USA
011 5 ... ....... From Canada
0011 5 ... ....... From Australia
810 5 ... ....... From Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
119 5 ... ....... From Cuba

Travel information for Falkland Islands


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